1. This constitution is being presented for the registration of a political party namely “Pakistan Reform Party” (PRP).
  2. In structuring this document following principles have been followed, 

    • To make sure the Reforms and loopholes which are actually hurdle in the progress and prosperity of Pakistan.
    • Transparency and effective communication for informed opinion/decision making.
    • Inclusivity and collective decision making, the soul and spirit of democracy, have been ingrained at every level.
    • Devolution of power and robust objective accountability have been weaved in to instill the basic democratic values.
    • A great importance has been attached to the continuing education and training of the members and leaders, alike. This department has been elevated to a new level.
    • To achieve the very best of the practices and performance, evaluation procedures for all (members, leaders, parliamentary selection boards and all contained organizations) have been carefully laid down and a new organ (party management cell) has been created for the purpose.
    • To help improve governance, think tanks are provided for policy research and development at the top while action committees for monitoring and feedback at the lower tiers.
    • Merit based procedures for the award of tickets has been institutionalized to bring up the best available candidates and improve the capacity with each recurring cycle through post election audit and review.
    • Members of the elected public bodies (Local Government, Provincial Assemblies and the Parliament) are not only integrated within the collective decision making bodies at corresponding levels but also made accountable.




As the purpose of creation of Pakistan was to make an ideal Islamic State where Muslims can spend their lives according to their own religion and to make this piece of land as an experimental land for Islamic System. Pakistan was envisaged as a country and society wherein people shall live in harmony and peace - free from discrimination, exploitation, corruption and prejudices of any kind - under a democratic system ensuring justice, equality and prosperity for all citizens. The concentration of power at the centre and frequent and long military takeovers have negated the spirit of federalism, causing a sense of deprivation among the federating units, which resulted in narrow parochialism, ethnicity and division among the people that tragically led to the separation of East Pakistan and continues to threaten the integrity and solidarity of Pakistan. Pakistan fell into the hands of a ruling elite consisting of inept, corrupt and selfish politicians, feudal, civil and military bureaucrats, and a host of vested interests that have plundered Pakistan and have brought it to the brink of disaster. A colonial system of government and the feudal stranglehold on society has afflicted a dependency syndrome, which has created a chronic debt dependent economy that thwarts initiative and self-reliance. Justice and the rule of law have disappeared from all walks of life, due to which, the state institutions have lost credibility. The common citizen is deprived of access to basic necessities of life such as food, education, employment, health care, clothing, housing and transportation and has been made a victim of violence in society, breakdown of law and order, institutionalized corruption, tyranny of police and other government department. That the purpose of this political party is to Reform the loopholes so that this country could be as experimental piece of land for True Islamic System.




Name: The name of the political party is "Pakistan Reform Party” (PRP).


  • To make Pakistan a truly modern democratic, egalitarian, tolerant Islamic welfare state, where every citizen is equal in the eyes of the law with guaranteed full fundamental rights, regardless of gender, caste, creed and religion, area, status; or any economic, physical and social condition; so as to enjoy equal opportunity, peace, harmony and happiness.
  • To reform every aspect relevant to human being directly or indirectly which could not be reformed / developed from the creation of Pakistan for the welfare of state, institutions and its human beings.

1. Justice for All: Guarantee of Fundamental Rights and Independence of:


  • 1.1.1 To promote and protect freedom of thought and expression without any pressure and discriminating.
  • 1.1.2 To restore dignity, self-respect and honor of the people of Pakistan, which have been compromised through decades.
  • 1.1.3 To develop, promote and implement policies that protect the rights of women belonging to all strata of the society, especially the middle and working classes, urban or rural, as equal citizens and encourage the participation of women in the national and political life.
  • 1.1.4 To reform the whole judicial system by finding loopholes for the provision of free and fare justice to everyone, regardless of any creed, caste, status etc.


  • 1.2.1 Reforms, Law enforcement, Accountability, Education, Health, Social Welfare & Environment
  • 1.2.2 To vindicate that Pakistan is a modern Islamic welfare state guided by the Islamic values where tolerance, social justice and principles of genuine democracy are practiced as envisioned by the founding fathers of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the philosopher national poet Allama Mohammad Iqbal and others.


Peoples Participation & Empowerment, Culture and Nation Building;

  • 1.3.1 To promote tolerance and eliminate all kinds of prejudice throughout the society whether provincial, ethnic, religious, sectarian, linguistic or tribal and inculcate a spirit of unity, mutual respect, brotherhood and prosperity for all in order to instill a common Pakistani Identity.
  • 1.3.2 To promote and enforce provincial autonomy.
  • 1.3.3 To replace the prevalent centralized colonial system of governance with a vibrant, responsive, democratically devolved form of governance to the Local Governments in accordance with Article 140-A of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan;


Taxation, Agriculture, Industry, Labor & Employment

  • 1.4.1 To tax all sources of income including agriculture and treat it as an industry, ensure payment of all government and public dues and eliminate massive financial leakages throughout the country.
  • 1.4.2 To Endeavour for achieving a sustained economic growth by introducing major improvements in the social and physical infrastructure and support facilities geared towards economic activity and prosperity for all throughout Pakistan.


  • 1.5.1 The membership of Pakistan Reform Party will be opened to all citizens of Pakistan who are at least 18 years of age and fully subscribe to the constitution and objectives of the party, at all times.
  • 1.5.2 In addition to the voluntary activity, the membership campaigns shall be run by workers, local organizations and the wings of the party as and when guided by the leadership.
  • 1.5.3 The ‘Party members’ shall be divided into two categories.
  • 1.5.4 All members shall be required to take an oath as specified in the article ‘Oath’ and be deemed to have relinquished association with any other political party.


  • 2.1 Collective Decision Making
  • 2.1.1 All decisions shall be taken by the corresponding governing body/executive committee and other such bodies by a majority of vote; Minimum quorum required for validity shall be seventy-five percent (75%) for smaller bodies/committees and fifty percent (50%) for the larger committees/councils of the total membership; agenda items shall be distributed by the secretary along with invitation notice wherever possible. Role of the leader is to provide full contextual information, giving patient hearing to all members while reserving own opinion till the very last help build consensus among the members in arriving at the best possible decision/opinion and maintaining cordiality through the discourse. Governing Body can take provisional decisions in policy matters where there is enough room to believe that an executive committee meeting couldn’t be convened in time.
  • 2.1.2 All provisional decisions shall be ratified by a majority of votes of the executive committee in a meeting convened at a time, not later than fifteen calendar days of the provisional decision; in the absence of such ratification such decision shall stand nullified.
  • 2.1.3 All governing body/executive committee/other bodies decisions/resolutions shall be forwarded to the Party Management Cell, along with the attendance roll, in paper or electronically, not later than three days from the date the meeting.


  • 3.1 General Rules:
  • 3.1.1 That the chairman will be elected directly by the members of the party after four (4) years. That any member of party will have equal opportunity to conduct election for chairman.
  • 3.1.2 That all other office bearers will be changed after four (4) years through free & fair elections.
  • 3.2 Women representation
  • Pakistan Reform Party will make the selection of at least five to ten percent representation of women candidates.
  • 3.3 Selection or Nomination of Party Candidates for election to public
  • office and legislative bodies
  • That any Pakistani citizen (except Govt. Employees) may submit application for being selected as candidate and the executive body will decide the selection of candidate.
  • 3.4.1That party will be bound to publish its office bearer’s list on its website and will update after every intraparty elections and updated list will be sent to Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).


  • 4.1 There will be an organization for each district excluding urban areas of Municipal corporations and towns.
  • 4.2 Each Municipal Corporation shall have a separate organization of the same status called ‘City District Organization.
  • 4.3 Each Town in the Metropolitan Corporation shall have a ‘Town organization, Tehsil/Cantonment Board/Municipal Committee Organization.
  • 4.4 There will be an Organization for each Tehsil excluding urban areas of cantonment boards and Municipal Committees.
  • 4.5 Each Cantonment Board and Municipal Committee shall have a separate organization of the same status.


  • 5.1.1 The Chairman shall be the Leader of the Party, providing vision, ideological direction and strategy. Shall provide the ideological direction to the party on all issues after extensive deliberations in National Council and the ideological vanguard. He should make sure that all arms of the party are adhering to such ideological direction.
  • 5.1.2 Shall lead the Parliamentary Party, Parliamentary boards, Election Campaign and any other political campaign. May direct Secretary General to take appropriate steps to rally the party behind him on all political issues and election campaign or any other political campaign.
  • 5.1.3 Shall be the Chief spokesperson of the party and shall lead party on topical issues in the media. He should nominate spokesperson(s) who shall spell out the party policy on different subjects in the media. Shall ensure that the constitution is being followed at all tiers of the party and may instruct Secretary General to take corrective actions.
  • 5.1.4 Shall determine the political position of the party on current issues after exhaustive consultations in and outside the Core Committee and have it approved by the CEC or National Council.
  • 5.2 Vice Chairman, Central President and four Vice Presidents
  • Vice Chairman, the Central President and four Central Vice Presidents may be appointed by the Chairman.
  • 5.2.1 Shall represent party in media and other public platforms, advancing party image and policy.
  • 5.2.2 Shall also perform special tasks and functions as required by the Chairman/SG from time to time.


  • 6.1 The Secretary General heads Central Executive Committee (CEC) on behalf of the Chairman and responsible to follow and execute Chairman’s vision and strategy.
  • 6.2 SG shall apprise Chairman of all matters of the party at regular intervals and keep Chairman’s confidence.
  • 6.3 SG shall convene and conduct the meetings of CEC and National Council (NC) as mandated in the constitution. SG shall set the agenda and circulate the same, well before time, among the participants of the meetings. This will include presenting evaluation reports of office holders, organizations and government performance.
  • 6.4 SG shall ensure the recording of the minutes of all Governing Body/CEC/NC meetings and consultations with the Chairman. SG shall generate Notifications as per the decisions of the Governing Body/CEC and National Council. SG may communicate the same effectively to the intended subjects in person, electronically and by website publishing same effectively.


  • 7.1 The Deputy Secretary General (DSG) shall be the chief representative and extension arm of the Secretary General in the province. DSG shall head the team of two central joint secretaries from the province for the job.
  • 7.2 DSG along with his team shall monitor any constitutional oversights (like functioning of Provincial Executive Committee, Provincial Councils, provincial attendance and minutes register) and report to the SG/ASG and CEC.
  • DSG shall divide and allocate different geographical areas of the province among the members of his team.
  • 7.3 DSG along with the team of two central joint secretaries shall be responsible to effectively communicate and evaluate implementation of policy/decisions in the province, taken at the centre.
  • 7.4 DSG team shall prepare reports for the CEC about the membership campaign in the province and also lead the campaign if asked by the provincial organization.
  • 7.5 DSG along with his team shall mobilize the party in the help of the political training campaign in the province.


  • 8.1 To assist the President in the performance of his duties as delegated by the President for the specified geographical location.
  • 8.2 Prepare reports (on membership drive, Attendance and Minutes Register), as delegated by the President for specified subordinate organizations.
  • 8.3 Attend Public Meetings and workers training sessions as directed by the President for the specified subordinate organizations.


  • 9.1 To act as GS in the absence of the GS in all the meetings of the party in line with the policy and guidelines set by the relevant GS.
  • 9.2 To perform specific functions of the GS in areas agreed by the GS by notification.
  • 9.3 To take full charge in case of the suspension, incapacitation or leave for more than a month of the GS.


  • 10.1 To assist the GS in smooth running of the party office.
  • 10.2 To assist in maintaining the Attendance and minutes register as delegated by the GS/SG.
  • 10.3 To perform various functions of GS as delegated by the GS.

11. Secretary Finance

  • 11.1 Central Secretary Finance shall be appointed by the Secretary General in consultation with the Chairman, provided pre-qualified by the Party Federal Election Commission.
  • 11.2 Secretary Finance at the levels of province and Division shall be appointed by the governing bodies of the relevant executive committee in consultation with the central secretary finance, provided pre-qualified by the Party Federal Election Commission.
  • 11.3 Secretary Finance at local organizations shall be appointed by the governing bodies of the relevant executive committee in consultation with the divisional secretary finance, provided pre-qualified by the Party Federal Election Commission.
  • 11.4 Central Secretary Finance shall be the chief of the Central Finance team. Central Secretary Finance shall effectively communicate the Finance Policy as framed by the central finance board, from time to time to the entire lower tier Finance Secretaries. Central Secretary Finance shall ensure the uniform implementation of the finance policies and decisions at the centre, in all the provinces and overseas chapters.
  • 11.5 Secretary Finance shall be responsible to keep all the accounts and ledgers in order and ready for the annual internal and external audits for the relevant organization.

12. The Secretary Membership

  • The Secretary membership shall be nominated by the Governing Bodies. The executive committee shall lead the team of membership secretaries at lower tiers.

13. The Secretary Economic Affairs

  • 13.1 The Central and Provincial Secretaries for Economic Affairs shall be appointed by the Secretary General in consultation with the Chairman, provided they are pre-qualified by the party Federal Election Commission.
  • 13.2 All Provincial Secretaries for economic affairs shall be part of one team headed by the Central Secretary for Economic Affairs.
  • 13. 3 Their job shall be to form and oversee Think Tank for research and policy development on each of the following subjects:
  • a. Finance,
  • b. Revenue & Fiscal policy
  • c. Monetary Policy,
  • d. Industry, Trade & Commerce, labor policy
  • e. Investment
  • f. Excise and Taxation
  • g. Reform in every relevant aspect

All following sectorial secretaries, shall be appointed in the following manner;

14. The Secretary Kissan

  • 14.1 The Secretaries at the level of Centre and Provinces shall work in close coordination with the relevant Secretaries Planning and development and the think tanks on agriculture and livestock to help formulate appropriate Agricultural and livestock policies and represent interests of the Kissans.
  • 14.2 PRP Kissan Boards shall be formed at the levels of Centre, Province and Division comprising representative farmers of appropriate stature for the tier; all decisions shall be taken collectively.

15. The Secretary Traders

  • 15.1 The Secretary Traders shall take party message to the community to organize at the respective level.
  • 15.2 They will actively participate in the Trade Union elections at all tiers. The Central Secretary shall work in close liaison with the Secretary Policy and planning to formulate trade friendly taxation policies.
  • 15.3 The secretaries at the lower level shall work in close coordination with secretary’s good governance to liaise with police and district administration.

16 The Secretary Industries

  • 16.1 The Secretary Industries shall take party message to the community in order to organize at the respective level.
  • 16.2 To form a ‘PRP Board of Industries’ for the Industrialists which in turn can represent their views/interests at the party.
  • 16.3 The secretaries at centre and province shall liaise with Secretaries Economic Affairs and the relevant think tanks in developing the party policies to help grow the sector.
  • 16.4 To see what tariff protections are needed by the local industry to be healthy and competitive.

17. The Secretary Religious Affairs

  • 17.1 The Central Secretary shall devise a structure and policy along with by-laws, to organize and ensure appropriate representation to each school of religious opinion at the relevant board; with zero tolerance for persons having fascist / extremist pinions/history.
  • 17.2 The by-laws may provide for separate branches/divisions/chapters, like Mashaikh division, Ulema division, Student division, Education branch or Darul-Fatawa.
  • 17.3 Shall maintain contacts with the religious leaders of all faiths to promote inter-faith and inter-sect harmony.
  • 17.4 Shall organize seminars/conferences on specific subjects of faith and in commemoration of historic days and personalities.
  • 17.5 Shall promote teachings of Quran and Sunnah among the party youth to help build healthier tenets of characters; shall organize workshops for the purpose.

18. The Secretary Engineers

  • 18.1 The primary purpose shall be to take party message to the community of Engineers and organize them; and help devise party policies in close coordination with the secretaries Economic Affairs and Planning & Development at the central and provincial levels; and with Secretary good governance at the lower tiers for implementation of the same.
  • 18.2 By-laws shall provide for subject specific Think Tanks at the centre and province for policy and planning; and Action Committees at lower tiers for implementation, monitoring and feedback.
  • 18.3 Shall develop policy papers with specific focus on the areas of Housing and Works, water, power, renewable energy, Roads and Highways, Public Transportation, Irrigation, Communication and Information Technology, and Manufacturing.

19. The Secretary Teachers

  • 19.1 The Central Secretary Teachers shall form and head a consultative body ‘PRP Teachers board’ comprising representative teachers; which in turn shall prepare by-laws for the structure and function of such boards at all levels.
  • Shall take party message to the teacher’s community and represent them in the party.
  • 19.2 Central Secretary Teachers shall coordinate with Central Secretaries Policy & Planning and think tanks on education to help formulate Education Policy.
  • 19.3 Shall help disseminate education policy in the teacher’s community. Shall take active part in the teacher union elections at all tiers.
  • 19.4 They should coordinate with various advocacy groups to advance the rights of the teachers and help improve teaching environment and conditions. Shall coordinate with the secretary religious affairs to bring the condition and salary packages for the teachers in Madaris at par with other teachers.


  • 20.1.1 CMIC shall comprise following;
  • a. Chairman - Chair
  • b. Secretary General - Vice Chair
  • c. Central Secretary Information
  • d. Head of Central Media Department - Secretary
  • e. Head of Social Media
  • f. Head of Marketing Team
  • g. Any number of co-opted members

21. Secretary Information

  • 21.1 Central Secretary Information shall be appointed by the Secretary General in consultation with the Chairman, provided pre-qualified by the Party Federal Election Commission.
  • 21.2 Secretary Information at the levels of province and Division shall be appointed by the Governing Bodies of the relevant executive committee in consultation with the central secretary information, provided pre-qualified by the Party Federal Election Commission.


  • 22.1 Social Media Head shall be appointed by the SG in consultation with the Chairman.
  • 22.2 Social Media Head (SMH) shall develop an organizational and operational plan to be ratified by the Central Media and Information Council. Shall be the lead team, dynamically planning and strategizing social media policy and effectively communicating to all lower tiers.
  • 22.3 The SM team shall work closely with the Central Media Department to disseminate the message through all social media platforms.
  • 22.4 The SM team shall follow and digitalize all political activities of the party at the corresponding tier, and effectively disseminate the same on all SM platforms.
  • 22.5 A monthly report plus additional reports, as and when required, shall be circulated to all CEC members analyzing new socio-political trends in SM for
  • the guidance of the party leaders. This report shall analyze the negativity and positivity as manifested on the SM in relation to various party activities/decisions/statements.


  • 23.1 General Rules
  • 23.1.1 All fees and donations collected by all the Party Organizations and individual members shall be submitted in the party account as specified by the Central Finance Board (CFB) in its Finance Manual.
  • 23.1.2 All gifts to the Party Officials received in the official position from Pakistani or foreign nationals shall be submitted to the CFB. No donations from companies/agencies/NGOs/Foreign Nationals/Agencies/Governments are allowed. No collections for welfare projects in the name of PRP are allowed.
  • 23.1.3 All donations that have been deposited in the Central Account for a specific sub-organization shall only be notified to the CFB and shall not be subjected to deliberations by CFB; and shall not take more than five working days to be transferred to the specified recipient suburbanization’s account; and shall be disbursed by the recipient suburbanization as per CFB Manual.
  • 23.1.4 That membership of Rs.100/- will be collected from all members at the time of registration of membership.


  • 24.1 A clear distinction needs to be made between ‘Interpersonal Conflict’ and‘ Disciplinary Violation’; all complaints falling under ‘Interpersonal Conflict’ category shall be referred to the mediator as specified in the clause on Alternate Dispute Resolution System.
  • 24.2 An act/dispute affecting party policy, image, working and political activity shall be dealt with as ‘Disciplinary Violation’.
  • 24.3 Any dissenting opinion on a particular policy/political issue presented as ‘personal view’ presented on a public forum, shall not be taken as ‘Disciplinary
  • Violation’; provided dissenting personal view is presented with deference to the party policy ; and provided it doesn’t incriminate any party office holder on any public platform.
  • 24.4 Any interpersonal dispute that spills over in the public domain and harms party image, working and political activity shall be taken as ‘Disciplinary Violation’; and may involve disciplining all parties.
  • 24.5 Disciplinary Violations shall fall under three categories carrying different penalties as hereunder;

25. Mild Disciplinary Violation:

  • 25.1 Three month suspension of the office holders; Three month membership suspension of the members

26. Moderate Disciplinary Violation:

  • 26.1 Removal from the office for one term for the office holders; One year membership suspension of the members.

27. Severe Disciplinary Violation:

  • 27.1 Expulsion from the Basic Party Membership Standing Committees on Accountability and Discipline Central SCAD
  • 27.2 A Standing Committee on Accountability and Discipline shall be formed at the centre comprising a Chief of SCAD and four other members.
  • 27.3 The Secretary General (SG) shall propose the names, after chairman’s approval, for all four members and the Chief.
  • 27.4 All names to be circulated among the members of the CEC two weeks prior to the meeting; CEC to make sure that all have a clean record and possess requisite qualifications; Once approved by CEC by a simple majority, Secretary General shall notify the same.
  • 27.5 The term of the SCAD shall be for four years from the date of notification; and any member or the Chief shall only be removed through a two-third vote of the CEC.
  • 27.6 The SCAD can co-opt members for specific jobs / departments on a case to case basis.


  • 28.1 The SCAD shall be an inquisitorial disciplinary body in the party; shall keep designated salaried staff, if required, in numbers sufficient for its smooth functioning Central SCAD shall take up written complaints only against the members of the Core Committee, CEC, Central Parliamentary party Members and national ticket holders.
  • 28.2 Chief of SCAD shall form a two member subcommittee for each complaint; the Remaining three members including the Chief shall act as appellate committee to hear one right of appeal; which shall be final.

29. Disciplinary Violations and Penalties Table:

  • 29.1 Office Holders: 3 month Suspension from office
  • 29.2 Members: 3 month suspension of membership

30. Method of Amendments:
That the amendments in the constitution will take place before 8 months of General Elections, and every member, candidate will be bound to abide by all the amendments done by the party.



  • For Office Holders

I, ……………………………………………………………………… do swear in the name of Allah and Solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of Pakistan Reform Party and to the objectives given therein. I will uphold this constitution in true letter and spirit and perform my duties as…………………………………… the utmost of my ability and high standards of integrity.


  • For Members

I………………………………………………………………………. do swear in the name of Allah and solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of Pakistan Reform Party and to the objects given therein. I will uphold this constitution in true letter and spirit. Henceforth, I cease to have association with any other political party.


PRP: Pakistan Reform Party
SG: Secretary General
NC: National Council
CFB: Central Finance Board
SM: Social Media
SMT: Social Media Team
SMH: Social Media Head
CMIC: Central Media and Information Council
CEC: Central Election Council
DSG: Deputy Secretary General
SCAD: Standing Committees on Accountability and Discipline